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Journal publications
November 2014

The multiple purposes of policy piloting and their consequences: Three examples from health and social care policy in England

Ettelt, S., Mays, N. and Allen, P. (2014). Journal of Social Policy. First View Article, November 2014, pp 1 – 19 DOI: 10.1017/S0047279414000865

November 2014

Just what the Doctor ordered? The ‘added value’ GPs bring to clinical commissioning

Our journal paper published by the British Journal of General Practice looks at what ‘added value’ GPs think they bring now they are responsible for commissioning healthcare in their local communities.

November 2014

Make, buy or ally? Commissioning support in the new NHS

Our CCG research published in BMJ Open explored the early stages of transition, using contracting theory to try to understand how CCGs were approaching the decisions they needed to make.

Journal publications
November 2014

The ‘added value’ GPs bring to commissioning

Perkins N, Coleman A, Wright M, Gadsby E, Petsoulas C, McDermott I, & Checkland K. (2014). British Journal of General Practice, 64(628), 575-576. DOI:10.33999/bjgp14X682321

Journal publications
November 2014

Commissioning for long-term conditions: hearing the voice of and engaging users – a qualitative multiple case study

Peckham S, Wilson P, Williams L, Smiddy J, Kendall S, Brooks F, et al (2014). Health Service Delivery Research 2(44). DOI: 10.3310/hsdr02440

Journal publications
October 2014

Changing the Ties That Bind? The Emerging Roles and Identities of General Practitioners and Managers in the New Clinical Commissioning Groups in the English NHS

Segar J, Checkland K, Coleman A, McDermott I, Harrison S, Peckham S. (2014). SAGE Open, 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/2158244014554203.

Journal publications
October 2014

Views of NHS commissioners on commissioning support provision: Evidence from a qualitative study of clinical commissioning groups in England

Petsoulas C, Allen P, Checkland K, Coleman A, Segar J, Peckham S, & Mcdermott S. (2014). BMJ Open, 4:e005970. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005970.

October 2014

Commissioning through Competition and Cooperation: Interim report

This interim report summarises the findings of the first phase of our research on competition and exploring how commissioners and organisations they commission from understand the policy and regulatory environment in which they operate.

October 2014

GP payment schemes review

This is a review of the literature on primary care physician payment, methods and their impacts on physician behaviour.

September 2014

Supporting effective commissioning in healthcare: Clinical Commissioning Groups, specialised services, and next steps for CSUs

Journal publications
September 2014

Accountability in the UK Healthcare System: An Overview

Peckham S (2014). Healthcare Policy.

August 2014

Moving Services out of hospital: Joining up General Practice and community services?

This report summarises the findings of a rapid review undertaken by PRUComm of the available evidence of what factors should be taken into account in planning for the closer working of primary and community health/care services in order to increase the scope of services provided outside of hospitals.

Journal publications
May 2014

Which features of primary care affect unscheduled secondary care use? A systematic review

Huntley, A., Lasserson, D., Wye, L., Morris, R., Checkland, K., England, H., Salisbury, C. & Purdy, S (2014). BMJ Open, 4(5). DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004746

May 2014

Clinical Commissioning Groups: One year on

In April 2013 clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) took over responsibility for £65 billion of the NHS budget. One year on, the seminar reflected on progress made by CCGs during their first year in operation, and discussed key issues for their future development.

Journal publications
April 2014

Leadership in the NHS: does the Emperor have any clothes?

Checkland, K (2014). Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 19(4), 253-256. DOI:10.1177/1355819614529101