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Accountability of the new NHS statutory system, both vertically up the NHS hierarchy and horizontally between local organisations and stakeholders.
Procurement of health services by the NHS and associated issues of competition, pricing and patient choice.
Warwick-Giles, L., Hammond, J., Bailey, S., Checkland, K. (2021). British Journal of General Practice; BJGP.2020.0917.
This report forms part of a wider evaluation of the National Vanguard programme, funded by the NIHR Policy Research Programme. The aim of this national evaluation is to explore the implementation and impact of the Vanguard New Care Models programme.
Lau Y.S., Malisauskaite G., Brookes N., Hussein S., Sutton M. (2021). Eur J Health Econ.
From Ben Walker, Charlie Moss, Jon Gibson, Matt Sutton, Sharon Spooner and Kath Checkland.
This evidence is based upon research evidence derived from PRUComm and other studies and from our own and colleagues’ experience of working within the NHS. This evidence has been previously shared with Jonathan Walden and colleagues from DHSC.
This report describes and explores the newly publicly available aggregated national Community Services Data Set (CSDS). It also includes an assessment of the data quality for researchers’ and policy makers’ information.
Morciano M., Stokes J., Kontopantelis E., Hall I., Turner A.J. (2021). BMC Medicine. medRxiv 2020.11.11.20229815.
PRUComm colleagues are concerned about the lack of detail and the failure to explain how current functions will be carried out in the new system, as well as the effects on accountability of the proposals. This report summarises the main issues we think the proposals raise.
This report sets out the interim findings of our study of the development of Integrated Care Systems.
Professor Stephen Peckham, director of PRUComm, has been appointed to a new Expert Panel as a policy advisor by the House of Commons cross-party Health and Social Care Select Committee.
Moran, V., Allen, P., Sanderson, M., McDermott, I., and Osipovic, D. (2021). Social Science and Medicine, 268, 113512.
This report presents activities and findings of the first 12 months of a (36 month) project exploring issues of commissioning, contracting and delivery of primary care services in the English NHS relating to Primary Care Networks, and the impact and outcomes of those processes on care provision.
Morciano M. Checkland K., Hammond J., Lau Y.S., Sutton M. (2020). British Journal of General Practice; 70 (701): e899-e905.