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Journal publications
August 2010

How do pharmacy students learn professionalism, and how is it assessed?

Schafheutle, E.I., Hassell, K., Ashcroft, D.M., Hall, J., & Harrison, S. (2010). Pharmacy Practice. 8 (suppl 1), 92-93.

Journal publications
August 2010

Learning professionalism during the MPharm: the importance of practice exposure and role models

Schafheutle, E.I., Hassell, K., Ashcroft, D.M., Hall, J., & Harrison, S. (2010). Pharmaceutical Journal 285: 164-5

Journal publications
May 2010

Professional Attitudes and Behaviours of Doctors in the United States

Roland, M., Sibbald, B., Hann, M., Dowswell, G., Harrison, S., Walter, A., Guthrie, B., Campbell, E.G. (2010). Final Report to Nuffield Trust. Manchester: University of Manchester National Primary Care Research and Development Centre

Journal publications
May 2010

Oral evidence to House of Commons Health Committee Commissioning

Harrison, S. (2010). Third Report of Session 2010-2011. Vol II: Ev43-53

Journal publications
April 2010

Local histories and local sensemaking: a case of policy implementation in the English National Health Service

oleman, A., Checkland, K., Harrison, S. & Hiroeh, U. (2010). Policy and Politics, 38(2), 289-306. DOI:10.1332/030557309X462547

Journal publications
January 2010

Performance regimes in health care: Institutions, critical junctures and the logic of escalation in England and the Netherlands

Pollitt, C.J., Harrison, S., Dowswell, G., Jerak-Zuiderent, S., & Bal, .R (2010).  Evaluation: the International Journal of Theory and Practice 16(1): 13-29.

Journal publications
January 2010

The impact of the Quality and Outcomes Framework on practice organisation and service delivery: summary of evidence from two qualitative studies

Checkland, K. & Harrison, S (2010). Quality in Primary Care, 18(2):139-46.

Journal publications
December 2009

Still puzzling: patient and public involvement in commissioning

Coleman, A., Checkland, K., & Harrison, S. (2009). Journal of Integrated Care, 17(6), 23-30. DOI: 10.1108/14769018200900043.

Journal publications
October 2009

Structural interests in health care: evidence from the contemporary National Health Service

Checkland, K., Harrison, S. & Coleman, A. (2009). Journal of Social Policy, 38(4), 607-625. DOI: 10.1017/S0047279409003262.

Journal publications
September 2009

Practice-based commissioning in the English National Health Service: House of Commons Health Committee Inquiry into Health Care Commissioning 2009-2010

Harrison S, Checkland K and Coleman A. (2009). House of Commons Health Committee.

Journal publications
August 2009

From cultural cohesion to rules and competition: the trajectory of senior management culture in English NHS hospitals, 2001-2008

Mannion R, Harrison S, Jacobs R, Konteh F, Walshe K, Davies HTO (2009). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 102: 1-5.

Journal publications
August 2009

Being a good clinician is not enough: doctors as employers and practices as organisations

Checkland, K. (2009). British Journal of General Practice, 59(565), 565-566.

Journal publications
August 2009

Scrutinising local public service provision: lessons from the experience of health scrutiny 2004-2007

Coleman, A., Gains, F., Boyd, A., Bradshaw, D., & Johnson, C. (2009). Public Money and Management, 299-306. DOI: 10.1080/09540960903205949.

Journal publications
July 2009

Practice-based Commissioning – Theory, Implementation and Outcome: Final Report

Coleman, A., Checkland, K., Harrison. S.,& Dowswell, G. Manchester: University of Manchester National Primary Care Research and Development Centre. 2009.

Journal publications
June 2009

Co-optation, commodification and the medical model: Governing UK medicine since 1991

Harrison S (2009). Public Administration 87(2): 184-97