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Journal publications
March 2013

Who do we think we are? Analysing the content and form of identity work in the English National Health Service

McDermott, I., Checkland, K., Harrison, S., Snow, S., and Coleman, A. (2013). Journal of Health Organisation & Management.

February 2013

Healthcare Commissioning Seminar: A summary

February 2013

PRUComm research seminar on healthcare commissioning

February 2013

Personal Budgets and Health: a review of the evidence

December 2012

Study of the use of contractual mechanisms in commissioning

This interim report presents findings from a research into how commissioners negotiate, specify, monitor and manage contractual mechanisms to improve services and allocate financial risk in their local health economies, looking at both acute services and community health care.

November 2012

Clinical engagement in primary care-led commissioning: a review of the evidence

This review presents evidence on the role of clinical engagement in primary care-led commissioning and how this has contributed to the delivery of health care services.

Journal publications
November 2012

Developing primary care: the contribution of primary care research networks

Peckham S and Hutchinson B (2012). Healthcare Policy 8(2), 56-70.

September 2012

Health Policy & Politics Network (HPPN) Annual Conference

September 2012

Exploring the early workings of emerging Clinical Commissioning Groups: Final report

We published the first in-depth study into how the government’s planned shake-up of the NHS is progressing.

September 2012

Exploring the early workings of emerging Clinical Commissioning Groups: Executive summary

We published the first in-depth study into how the government’s planned shake-up of the NHS is progressing.

Journal publications
August 2012

Negotiating refusals in primary care consultations: a qualitative study

Walter A, Chew-Graham C, Harrison S (2012). Family Practice 29(4): 488-96.

Journal publications
August 2012

Implementing clinical guidelines: a case study of research in context

Dowswell G, Harrison S (2012). In Exworthy M, Hann A, Peckham S, Powell M(eds) Case Studies in British Health Policy. 267-78. Bristol: Policy Press.

April 2012

Diversity of provision of public services symposium: Current research and its implications

Journal publications
April 2012

The experience of contractual change in UK general practice: A qualitative study of salaried GPs

Cheraghi-Sohi S, McDonald R, Harrison S (2012). British Journal of General Practice 62: 198-9.

Journal publications
April 2012

Investigating the Governance of Autonomous Public Hospitals in England: Multi-Site Case Study of NHS Foundation Trusts

Allen, P., Keen, J., Wright, J., Dempster, P., Townsend, J., Hutchings, A., Street, A. and Verzulli, R. (2012). Journal of Health Services Research and Policy doi:10.1258/jhsrp.2011.011046